Sunday 3 July 2016

Connect the dots game is adored even today

Childhood is a time when most of us invent a set of games which always stays with us in memory. Pen fight, dot game, puzzles and Sudoku had always been a perfect choice among most of the school going kids. The charm in playing games in classroom in between the lecture is always a fun. This is the time when life is really colorful when exams are the only tension in life. Connect the dots game is one of the popular among the set of games played.

There was a time when these games had to be made manually and played in our books. But today with the altering technology there are online games available for kids. All they need to do is to get it downloaded in their tabs or computer and keep playing. Connect the dots was played in just one particular patter during the latter years but today one can find a range of options in it to choose from.

These kind of games not only keep the kids active but also increase their IQ level at a faster rate by providing challenges, ability to make calculations, makes them think to complete a particular level and so on. This is how kids automatically generate the power to face any kind of situation at the same time increases their thinking power. Games these days are created in such a manner that It helps the children to excel in education as well.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect! I'm a teacher from Greece and i apply this at class.
